Monday, April 15, 2013

CITR. Chapter 1-2.

Robby Treadwell
Period 4

Summary: Holden Caufield writes the story from a rest home which he was sent to for therapy. Holden went to Pencey Prep high school but only passes one out of his five classes. Holden speaks to Mr. Spencer a history teacher about his academic failures.

Quotation: "I forgot to tell you about that. They kicked me out. I wasn't supposed to come back after Christmas vacation, on account of I was flunking four subjects and not applying myself at all." (4)

Quotation Significance: We learn a lot about Holden in this quote. We learn that he doesn't really care that he got kicked out, that he isn't very dedicated, and he didn't care about school.

Reflection: Although I have only read sixteen pages in this book I have already started to like it. I like reading it because I find Holden the narrator as someone I can relate to about how he doesn't want to try at all. I also really like the tone that the author uses in Holden's voice. It makes the reader, read it in a way that a teenager would and help understand where Holden is coming from. His attitude and personality is great, how he is pretty laid back and doesn't care about much living stress free.

Discussion Question: Is this whole book going to take place from Holden's rest home?

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