Tuesday, February 5, 2013

AQ. Chapter 9

Robby Treadwell
Chapter 9
Period 4

Summary: Paul returns to the front, and sees that his friends are still alive and not injured. Paul goes out on a mission to get information about the enemies, but is attacked by a bombardment. When he climbs in a hole a french soldier jumps in and Paul stabs him. Paul later feels bad about the killing.

Quotation: "Comrade, I did not want to kill you. If you jumped in here again, I would not do it, if you would be sensible too." (223)

Quotation Significance: Paul talks about how he regrets killing the french soldier. He must feel bad having to watch him suffer as well. I think this act has changed Paul permanently.

Reflection: This chapter is a very big movement for Paul. Immediately after Paul stabbed him you could tell that he felt bad even when he was explaining how he didn't want to kill him to the soldier. It must have been so sad to find the picture in the dead soldiers pocket of a woman and little girl. If I found out that I killed someones husband and dad I would feel so bad and so guilty. Also Paul had to watch him suffer to death. It took Paul a lot of courage to go on that mission knowing that he could come back not alive. 

Discussion Question: How is this horrible feeling Paul has going to affect him throughout the rest of the book?

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