Robby Treadwell
Chapters 5-8
Period 4
Summary: In the beginning Lucie stands in the street looking through a window trying to see Darnay every day. Manette tells Lucie that the Darnay's trial will be tomorrow. At the trial we find out that Manette is Darnay's father-in-law and that Darnay had renounced his title out of disapproval of the aristocracy’s treatment of peasants. Then soldiers show up at the house and take Darnay because he is wanted for sacrifice by Madame Defarge. Lastly, we learn that Solomon was the man that accused Darnay of treason.
Quotation: "ask no more. If the Republic demands sacrifices from you, without doubt you as a good patriot will be happy to make them."
Quotation Significance: In this quote the soldiers are talking to Darnay and Manette. They are saying that the Republic request Darnay's sacrifice and you must respect that. Later they go on to figure out that Defarge wants his sacrifice.
Reflection: In these chapters it is interesting to read about the whole Darnay situation. It surprised me when I read that Manette is Darnay's father in law and I never would have expected that. I was a little bit confused about how Darnay had renounced his title out of disapproval of the aristocracy's treatment of peasants. It was sad to read that soldiers showed up to pick up Darnay because he was going to be killed. I also thought it was nice how hard Manette tried to get Darnay out of the trial, but then he was going to be sent to trial again after all his hard work. Lastly, while I was reading I also wondered why Solomon was the one that accused Darnay of treason.
Discussion Question: Why does Madame Defarge want to kill Darnay?
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